I fell victim way too quickly to eating a donut hole with this meal, some mac n cheese that meal, and then it all ended on the last day with a full Seafood FEAST! Not kidding. I absolutely let my eating clean lifestyle slide, and it took quite a while to get my habits back in check. I think I'm finally to the point where I don't CRAVE JUNK anymore. It took several weeks, but I'm back on track.
I'm so thankful that I get my Shakeology fix each and everyday. It's Super Protein Blend: Whey, Sacha Inchi, Chia Seeds, Quinoa, Amaranth and Pea, is nothing short of AMAZING. These foods help the body to produce serotonin and curbs the appetite, which is exactly what I needed to help me get back on track with my goals and eating habits.
I'd like to help you get back on track with your eating habits. I'm hosting a 10 day Eat Clean Challenge in which I'll provide for you some of my FAVORITE Clean Recipes. I have room for 4 more ladies in this challenge group.
So if you're fed up with your eating habits, and ready to take those baby steps to eating clean, and getting back on track with your lifestyle, YOU'RE WHO I'M LOOKING FOR.
If you can't commit to yourself 10 days, please don't apply for this challenge. This isn't just a commitment to me, it's a commitment to the other challengers, and Ultimately a commitment to yourself.
I look forward to hearing from you. Contact me.
#fueledbyshakeology #eatclean

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