Saturday, March 23, 2013

I'll try anything once

After basically a year of consideration, I finally decided to bite the bullet and try crossfit today.  WOWEE!  Was that hard or what?  It was super super super intense, but very exciting.

Upon arrival of the gym that looks like an over-sized storage building with a banner and a bunch of workout equipment, I was a little skeptic.  The very fit trainers asked me if it was my first time, and then presented me with a waiver, in which they explained how they are not liable in any way for any injury I may cause myself while following the intense workout they choose for the day.   I couldn't help but let my eyes drift off, and notice the "rules" written on the marker board.  Numbers 4, and 5 stood out.

4. If at any time you decide you can't give this your all, let us know and we will cancel your membership.


5.  If you are negative, you will do burpees until you can be positive.

WOAH! 1 Burpee in and I would be smiling like a crazy person.

Taking all of these things in, it was so hard not to hand back my waiver, say "you guys look nice and all, but this just isn't for me", and walk away from the place swiftly. (I'm not in any shape to run.)

I swallowed my fear and stuck it out, probably only because my girl, Emily, was joining me.  Nevertheless, I stayed, and that's all that matters.

For those of you who want to know what happens at a crossfit session, you can find a local gym and join a session and find out.

No, I'm kidding. Don't worry, I will fill you in.

1st of all, we stretched, and then did a 400 meter run as a warmup.  After that, they put a strange band around my waste, and Emily held the band as I attempted to run about 50 meters pulling her.  It's a strange thing, and I don't quite think I was listening when he explained the how and why we were doing this.  I was still focusing on the fact that I can't believe I just ran 400 meters. That was workout enough for me, let's call it a day!

Then, we went inside and the trainers explained the drills.  We were to do 3 circuits 3 times, 1st time at 12 reps, 2nd time at 9 reps, and 3rd time at 6 reps. 

1st circuit:  Wall walks. Basically, you start laying flat on the ground, with toes against the wall, and push yourself up in a push-up position, and then walk your feet up the wall, and your hands into the wall til you're parallel with the wall. Once you do that, you can walk back down the wall, and end laying flat again. That's 1 rep.  (Beginners were allowed to walk up the wall halfway and come back down, which I am very thankful of, because my arms could not hold me up for the entire thing. Eventually, though, I will do it.)

2nd circuit: Kettle bell throws.  For those of you who don't know what this is, you stand with your arms straight down holding the kettlebell, and then squat and use your hips to thrust your arms up in the air with the kettlebell.  You feel silly doing this for the first time, as I did, and may even giggle.  I kept asking Emily if I was doing it right.  It's amazing that a simple pelvic thrust can produce enough momentum to throw your arms and a kettlebell in the air. What else can a pelvic thrust do? That's another conversation.

3rd circuit: Not really a rep. thing.  We ran 400 meters.

Simple enough, right?

WRONG.  Those wall walks are KILLER.  I'm so thankful we went at our own speed, because there's no way I could have kept up with mr. 14 minutes.  I finished in 18:03, not bad, and I'm not ashamed I finished last.  It was my first time, and I'm just impressed that I did it. :)

Can't wait to do it again.  I suggest it. ;) 

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