Shaun T has an AMAZING reputation with his Insanity videos and Hip Hop Abs, and so on and so on, but get real. 25 minutes a day? You're off your rocker.
Well, I'm here to tell you that this program is KILLER. I keep telling myself I should add a jog/run program to my exercise routine since I'm only working out 25 minutes a day right now, and then I go and do the program and think... uh, no. There's no way I could go for a jog after that!
So I've gotta ask. What are your excuses for not working out? I'm exhausted. I'm busy. I don't have the TIME...
Is that it? You're just so crazy busy with your crazy busy schedule and your crazy busy life, that you just don't have the time to workout?
Let's talk about my life for a moment. I'm a graduate student. Not only that, but my focus is filmmaking, so I'm ALWAYS working on film sets. You gotta put in the time on other people's sets to get them to put in effort on your own. I work two jobs, for a total of 50-60 hours each week. I LIVE 25 minutes away from where I work and go to school. I cook all of my meals, and I pack mine and my husband's lunches every single day. I have two dogs to take care of. I do all the cooking and cleaning at my house. I've got homework... Do I really have the time to work out?
Sometimes I do run out of time, and it's a shame. That's why I decided to do Focus T25. 25 minutes a day. That's all it is!
It's a workout program Beachbody JUST RELEASED about a month ago... It's 25 minutes a day, 5x a week, for 10 weeks (unless you get the GAMMA as well, I DID!!!)
Not bad right?
1. What could you do in 25 minutes?
In 25 minutes: I can shower, and put clothes on
I can do my hair.
I can wander Target.
I can paint my nails.
I could be on pinterest/facebook.
I could drive to Savannah.
I could wonder what to blog about.
My point is, we all waste about 25 minutes in the day, each day. Day in and day out, we waste a minute here, a minute there, but now we have the opportunity to get healthier, stronger, and more toned within a 25 minute workout. It's an Ass Kicking workout for 25 minutes, each day, where every single second counts!
So I'm on week 4, yep, and Im EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED. I have been walking funny for three straight weeks, and I'm not sure I remember how to walk normal at this point... That's me right now. and I LOVE IT.
So what is it exactly? WATCH THIS>>
T25 is like a mash up of Insanity, Hip Hops Abs, and Asylum in my opinion. It's not going to be easy, but you can modify. And its for anyone and everyone--Tania (hot asian girl who just had a baby and looks amazing) is the modifier!
I would LOVE to hear about your goals and see if T25 is a good fit for you (uhhh pretty sure it will fit for anyone!!!) so message me NOW and lets get you started... READY SET GO! OR email me at
So now what?
Well, I have TWO options for you--if you want REAL results like the one above... here is option #1
1. We have these things called Challenge Packs--they include your workout (T25), 30 day supply of Shakeology (our health shake, see this link--we have Vegan Chocolate and Tropical, Greenberry, reg. chocolate and Vanilla), a free 30 day trial to the club membership with access to multiple meal plans, me as your coach to keep you on track, and FREE shipping! Normally Shakeology HD is about $130, and T25 is another $130 (includes shipping, add in tax for your state), the club membership is about $12 a month, and shipping normally costs about $10-12 on the products. The T25 Challenge pack is $180 right now until July 31st, then it goes back up to $205...
SO LETS DO THE MATH: individually if you bought Shakeology, club, and the workout you would spend about: $275 (ish), so you would save, until July 31, $95! BARGAIN. if you order after July 31st, you still save $70!
2. JUST buy T25 alone for $130 and you don't get the club or Shakeology...
Please message me and we can figure out the BEST route for you... this is about RESULTS, not excuses, we all have the time. Keep in mind, health is an investment, not an expense!

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