Sunday, January 5, 2014

Is there really another P90x coming out?

Not only are the rumors true, but the program is out, and it has been for about a month now.  

Do we really need another P90x?  What can this do that hasn't been done before?

Time is no longer an issue!  Beachbody revolutionized the home workout program industry with the release of Focus T25 with Shaun T last summer and now Tony Horton is reclaiming the limelight with P90x3! 

I cannot wait to get my hands on this program! 

Apparently, studies show that the FIRST THIRTY MINUTES of a workout are the MOST CRITICAL for RESULTS.  And we all want results, right?  Not only that, but also your body continues to burn calories AFTER you're finished. WHAT?!  

Sara, you're shitting me.

Hey, it's what the experts are saying!  If there's a chance I can lose the weight in half the time, then you bet your sweet butt I'm going to try it.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely enjoy working out, but I DO NOT love working out for 2 hours a day 6 days a week. NO THANKS!


I love her! "get on the treadmill and press 30 minutes, that sounds like a nightmare." I AGREE!!!

So do you own p90x? Have you completed it, or is it sitting on your DVD shelf collecting dust? 

That's exactly where it is in my home.  Luckily, I didn't spend the money on the program, but took it from a friend who had it for YEARS and never even opened the box!  The program is FANTASTIC, but the time commitment is almost unbearable for my crazy schedule!  Thank you Tony for listening to our needs of a shorter, precise, condensed workout.

Maybe one day I will complete the program but for now I will take the 30 minutes a day! 

SO what makes P90X3 different?!

1.  P90X3 is a separate program from P90X and P90X2, not a harder version! 
2. All workouts are 30 minutes long! 
3. P90X is made for all fitness levels, even beginners
4. This program is based on science that suggests the first 30 minutes is the most effective part of any exercise routine, so we accelerate the workouts to create the most effective 30 minute routined healthy eating
5. The warm-up is 2 minutes and then constant work for the remaining 28 minutes
6. There is a separate warm-up disk called Cold Start if you need a longer warm-up due to environment, time of day (cold muscles), etc. 
7. There are 16 workouts in the P90X3 base System 
8. The Deluxe package has 4 extra routines for a total of 20
9. P90X3 will include a new Pilates based workout...
10. P90X3 will also include an all new Isometrics workout- A New Strength/Balance/Flexibility workout with Static Holds
11. And it will include CVX: Cardiovascular Extreme - a Cardio workout with weights
12. And P90X3 has MMX - a Mixed Martial Arts Extreme that expands the Kenpo workout
13. Includes Agility X- All new agility programming
14. Yes- Yoga is still part of the program, but it's only 30 mins! THANK YOU TONY!
15. There are 4 schedules you can choose from in X3- classic, lean, doubles, and bulk
16. Ab Moves- Most of them are athletic in nature, some are standing up and many are front facing instead of being on your back
17. If you've done P90X or P90X2, you'll see similar moves and all new stuff too
18. Equipment needed will include weights or bands (a pull-up bar is great like in P90X, but optional)
19. Every move in X3 has a Beginner/Modified, In between move, and Challenging/Hard
20.  39 out of 40 people in the Test group lost 10% of their body fat %-- that's freakin INSANE!
21.  The nutrition plan goes back to nutrition basics of Power 90 and healthy eating
22. When you order through a coach, you have the ability to get 1 month of Shakeology for 1/2 price and a FREE P90X3 hat (link will be posted on my blog the day its released
23. I will coach you through the entire 90 days FOR FREE. 

SO ARE YOU READY?!???????!!!!!!!!

Please contact me for more info!

I cannot wait to get RIPPED and fit with you, I know for a fact you will love this program and it can change your life. Sign up for your FREE Beachbody account HERE for a chance to win $500!


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