Monday, January 6, 2014

What hasn't been working for me.

Ok, so I just completed week 5 of T25.  Week 1, I lost 5 lbs.  I was on a ROLL!  I was feeling so great, eating clean, and enjoying myself.  I thought, this is going to be cake! I don't have to really cut out EVERYTHING, right?

Well, that's right. To an extent.  Week 2, I went back to drinking alcohol.  Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not an alcoholic.
 "Sure. She's not an alcoholic. She can't admit it…."

No, I'm really not. And if anyone out there reading this is, I would love to help you overcome it.

Back to the matter at hand.

So, my husband and I enjoy bowling.  We go to the bowling alley a few times a week, and it just so happens that there is a bar at our bowling alley, and we're pretty good friends with the bartender.  He's very generous when he pours our drinks.  That's not the only issue.  Friends don't believe you when you say "No. I don't want another." And before you know it, there's a shot sitting in front of you.

So, a few drinks a few nights a week. No problem, right? 


I gained the 5 lbs back, and have stayed the same weight throughout the remainder of the 5 weeks.  Mind you, I've been eating clean the entire time, and T25 is not the ONLY thing I'm doing for fitness.  It has been extremely discouraging, and tempts me to give up.

Giving up is NOT an OPTION!

My husband swears up and down that alcohol has not been my problem, but it absolutely is.  This past week, I decided I was going to give up alcohol til April.  Small potatoes.  It's not because I have a problem, but because it's empty calories and if I ever want to hit my goals, I have to cut it down, and I really don't see myself having a problem with doing so.  

So, 6 days without a drink.  What's the skinny?  

I'm happy to say that I'm now 6 lbs down, and 6 lbs closer to my weightloss goals. 


So, you want to lose the weight?  You're eating clean and working out, but aren't seeing results?  PUT DOWN THE DRINK!

It's not healthy anyways, and you've got goals to meet! 




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